Live Limitless

The title says it all. Live your life without limits. Don’t be afraid to fall, because I promise you’ll get back up. Don’t hide in the corner, step out into the crowd and show them who you are. Don’t let anybody’s judgement affect you except yours. If you have set boundaries, break them.

The Government is Brainwashing the Future

So, by the title you probably thinking I’m a crazy lunatic. Well after reading you might want to think otherwise.

I am a ninth grader at my high school, next year I will be in tenth. Apparently, this is my last year of taking the state standardized test. Normally, you stop at eleventh grade, but not anymore.

The Federal Government has announced their new way of learning: The Common Core State Standards (CCSS). These are standards for the entire nation. Learning is no longer in the hands of our state leaders, but the men who also control our cash flow and military.

At first, this doesn’t seem so bad. Sure every American kid will be learning the same thing, so the playing field will be evened out (on a competitive learning level). Also, this will prevent the ‘wasting of money’ on State Tests. Oh and apparently this new CCSS will allow a better connection between the students, teachers, and parents in the school system. This actually sounds quite wonderful, but think again.

In the basis of the CCSS the government does not outline anything about children learning about our economy, businesses, our even entrepreneurship. Nothing in this CCSS will even prepare the kids for the life outside of school! It’ll just become the basics: arithmetic, english, science, and history. Also, the standards for reading are now directed to nonfiction reads. This is a MAJOR problem.

If kids are graded on their understanding of the nonfiction world, where will they have room to grow their imagination and creativity. Once they’ve started their school years, the only creativity they might get is writing their own stories, but how will they comprehend to it when fiction may be only a rarity. Also, how much of this nonfiction will be accurate?

The government states that the textbooks used will be revised as needed to fit these new standards. This means the history of America might be twisted, our sciences might not be taught as they were taught before, and our english learning will definitely be changed. This now seems almost as if our government only wants us to know what they think is appropriate.  Through school, we may see our children and grandchildren turning into their puppets.

With the student population learning under the government, starting next year, in 2100 all the people in the States wouldn’t know any of the education before them. This doesn’t seem bad now, but how much more twisted will the feds’ system get?

For more:

Common Core State Standards

Keyword search: Government Common Core Standards




Welcome Stranger, May You Enjoy This Blog

Hello internet wanderer, casual explorer, or fellow blogger! Welcome to my very first blog. Hopefully this site will grow into something more and you and I can develop a special bond. We could even become homies (cool term for friends). By the way, my name is William (call me Will, Bill, or whatever your heart desires) and I am fifteen. My life seems short, but I have learned quite a ton!

Now I bet, you’re wondering what to expect on this blog. Well, I will be posting life stories, tips, product reviews that I feel necessary, and news that I find interesting. Maybe we will end up having something in common and you’ll stick around.

Goodbye for now reader. May we connect in the near future.